iPi Soft

Motion Capture for the Masses

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Archive for August, 2015

Oliver Hollis-Leick on Motion Capture Demands & its Future

Posted on: August 14th, 2015

Oliver Hollis-Leick on Motion Capture Demands & its Future

Oliver Hollis-Leick, the Founder of The Mocap Vaults, is a 13-year mocap acting veteran who has worked on over 80 video game and movie titles, with roles in such films as “Iron Man 2,” “Stardust,” “Total Recall,” “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,” “Godzilla,” “Hercules,” “Fred Clause,” among many others. Hollis-Leick shares his thoughts about the specific creative skills motion capture demands and how software tools like iPi Motion Capture is helping change how motion capture content is created.

His interview is published on ProductionHUB and Immersed in Movies Blog.


iPi Studio Release 3.2.3

Posted on: August 8th, 2015

iPi Studio Release 3.2.3

The latest release of iPi Studio includes visual bone picker that makes selection of bones much more convenient, improved background subtraction for records made with Kinect 2 sensors and other enhancements.

Read more: http://docs.ipisoft.com/iPi_Mocap_Studio_Release_Notes#ver._3.2.3.190
