iPi Soft

Motion Capture for the Masses

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Archive for the ‘Software Release’ Category

Improved Workflow for Kinect v2

Posted on: November 24th, 2015

Improved Workflow for Kinect v2

Recent release of iPi Mocap Studio 3.2.5 and iPi Recorder 3.1.3 includes recording and using Kinect v2 sensor tracking data for:

  • Detecting number of actors
  • Detecting actor heights
  • Detecting T-Poses and creation of takes
  • Setting initial pose for detected T-poses
  • Setting initial pose for the beginning frame of the Region-of-Interest
  • Warning on presence of people in sensor’s view during recording of the background

Documentation on the new features:




iPi Studio Release 3.2.3

Posted on: August 8th, 2015

iPi Studio Release 3.2.3

The latest release of iPi Studio includes visual bone picker that makes selection of bones much more convenient, improved background subtraction for records made with Kinect 2 sensors and other enhancements.

Read more: http://docs.ipisoft.com/iPi_Mocap_Studio_Release_Notes#ver._3.2.3.190


Fine Actor Adjustments Released

Posted on: April 20th, 2015

Fine actor adjustments included in the latest release of iPi Mocap Studio allow to change actor’s proportions:

  • Legs length
  • Arms length
  • Head size
  • Feet size
  • Shoulders width


These new features allow to increase tracking accuracy due to more precise adjustments of actor model used for tracking.



More Point Cloud Export Formats Added

Posted on: March 19th, 2015

Since the release of iPi Biomech Add-on a year ago, many customers requested us to extend the list of formats available for point cloud export. MATLAB and PCD formats were convenient enough for researches, but  not for animators.

In animation, point cloud can be used as a video reference, which makes life easier in many cases. iPi Motion Capture is the only commercially available product so far, that allows to obtain point clouds recorded with multiple Kinect sensors. Now you can use this product feature to its full extent.

New! The latest release of iPi Biomech Add-on (included in iPi Mocap Studio) supports export to  Krakatoa PRT, PLY, OBJ, Leika PTS formats that can be recognized by various 3d packages, including 3ds Max and Maya. Read More>>

For more information on iPi Biomech Add-on, please refer to its User Guide. Please be aware that iPi Biomech Add-on requires separate license. 30-days free trial is available.

16 Cameras Support and Three Actors Tracking Released

Posted on: February 20th, 2015

iPi Soft is proud to announce ground-breaking performance enhancements to iPi Motion Capture Version 3.0, the company’s advanced line of markerless motion capture technology. The latest updates include new distributed recording functionality that sets a standard for capturing synchronized video by providing up to 16 Sony PS3 Eye camera support or up to 4 Kinect sensors recorded onto multiple PCs during the same motion capture session. Additionally, the ability to track three actors simultaneously gives professional users working in film, TV, videogame development and beyond, a powerful and efficient motion capture tool.

New! Taking into account increased number of supported cameras, we are increasing number of cameras supported in Basic Edition from 4 to 6, thus allowing accurate capture of more complex motions.

In addition to this good news, the price of Basic Edition was dropped by 30%. Now 1 year subscription for Basic costs $345, 3 month subscription – $165. We hope that this will make the solution affordable for wider audience.

Limited-time offer! Till March, 29 We offer 3 year subscriptions for all products at the cost of 2 years. We also see that 3 months subscription are quite popular. Get 30% discount for 3 month subscriptions, also till March, 29.

To order at discounted price, just put coupon code from the table below into “Your coupon code” field of on-line order form:

Product Period Price Coupon Code
iPi Studio Pro 3 Years $3 227 $2 390 DIS-3Y15 Buy Now
iPi Studio Basic 3 Years $932 $690 DIS-3Y15 Buy Now
iPi Studio Express 3 Years $257 $190 DIS-3Y15 Buy Now
iPi Studio Biomech Add-on 3 Years $1 337 $990 DIS-3Y15 Buy Now
iPi Studio Pro 3 Months $595 $416.5 DIS-3M15 Buy Now
iPi Studio Basic 3 Months $165 $115.5 DIS-3M15 Buy Now
iPi Studio Express 3 Months $45 $31.5 DIS-3M15 Buy Now
iPi Studio Biomech Add-on 3 Months $245 $171.5 DIS-3M15 Buy Now

Distributed Recording Feature Released

Posted on: December 29th, 2014

We’re proud to announce (hopefully first in history) support of multiple Kinect 2 sensors tracking, now made possible with the help of distributed recording feature of iPi Recorder.

Now one can use several computers to record the same mocap session, thus decreasing hardware requirements to PCs used for recording.

Distributed recording feature is useful if:

  • You want to use two or three Kinect 2 sensors for tracking. Due to limitation in Microsoft Kinect SKD 2.0 you can have only single sensor at one PC, but distributed recording allows you to connect each sensor to a separate PC.
  • You do not have enough USB controllers on board. Only single depth sensor or two Sony PS3 cameras can be connected to the same USB controller. Using additional laptop for recording will allow you to record with more cameras.
  • HDD recording speed or CPU power is not enough to record in realtime with multiple cameras. Using additinal laptop will be an alternative to hardware upgrade.


Online Docs>>


iPi Soft Releases iPi Motion Capture Version 3.0

Posted on: November 4th, 2014

iPi Motion Capture Version 3.0 Released

Next Generation Markerless Motion Capture Solution Features Support For Kinect V 2 Sensor And Improved Arms Tracking

October 13, 2014 – iPi Soft is proud to announce the availability of iPi Motion Capture V. 3.0 – the latest version of its leading-edge markerless motion capture solution. iPi Motion Capture V 3.0 delivers a number of new features for improved workflow including support for the new Microsoft Kinect 2 sensor, improved arms tracking and a simplified calibration process that gives even entry level motion capture enthusiasts the ability to obtain quality mocap data easily and quickly.


See details here>>



iPi Soft Unveils Multi-Person Tracking And Multiple GPU Support Features

Posted on: August 7th, 2013

iPi Soft is pleased to announce that we added multi-person tracking functionality and multiple video cards support for increased tracking speeds, as well as batch processing and support for eight Sony PS Eye cameras (up from six in previous version). See more info in Release Notes.

Responding to the demands of our growing customer base of filmmakers, animators and videogame developers, the new capabilities are free to all Standard license owners. Limited-time discount! Over 30% discount offer for new customers and owners of Basic and Express licenses is valid till August 25. Details and pricing and available here.

Read full press-release (PDF)>>


iPi Mocap Studio released!

Posted on: February 25th, 2013

iPi Mocap Studio released! Featuring hand keyframing (poses for fingers): See Details>



New iPi Recorder supports Motion in Joy drivers

Posted on: January 22nd, 2013

New iPi Recorder supports Motion in Joy drivers. It allows to pair with PS Move under Windows 8: See Details>
